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Chakras of Empathy – Heart Chakra

Online seminar with Yehuda Tagar about cultivating the Heart chakra as an organ of perception of others.

The seminar is a part of the Second Year in Psychophonetics but is open for public as well.

Online ZOOM

Empathy is the growing point of human evolution. In Skola Empatie we develop the futuristic art and science of Methodical Empathy: transforming the normal state of functioning into the seeds for future humanity, a humanity in which people experience and understand others from their own pint of view. This requires actual cultivation of the potential that lies dormant in everyone’s depth. 

The spiritual organ called ‘The Heart Chakra’ is a central organ of perception for the deep soul llife of others. Its future development into an organ of empathy requires the conscious cultivation of 6 specific faculties: 

  • Heart Centre Petal 1 – Control, Clarity, Order and Logicality of thoughts. 
  • Heart Centre Petal 2 – Control and Logicality of Action 
  • Heart Centre Petal 3 – Perseverance – carrying through commitments for tasks and action. 
  • Heart Centre Petal 4 – Tolerance. open-mindedness to all. 
  • Heart Centre Petal 5 – OpennessMeeting life with faith and trust. 
  • Heart Centre Petal 6 – Equanimity – inner balance in the face of the ups & downs of life


The seminar consists of:

  • theoretical introduction
  • discussiom
  • practical demonstration of Psychophonetics


  • Methodical Empathy
  • Chakras of Empathy
  • practical demonstration of psychophonetic tools in working with a client/if there is a volunteer from the participants/


Teacher, coach, counsellor, consultant, founder of Psychophonetics and School of Empathy in Slovakia with 30 years of experience will talk about and demonstrate how Psychophonetics can help in developing the hear chakra as an organ of perception of others

More info

You will receive an email with a Zoom link one day before the event.

The seminar is in English with a traslation into Slovak.


  • public free – as a taster of studying Psychophonetics in School of Empathy – Bernolakovo, Kosice or online
  • students of School of Empathy free entry

Looking forward to meeting you!


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to the Foundation Year in Psychophonetics
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The event is finished.


Fri, 31. March 2023


18:00 - 21:00




Office Kosice
Tolsteho 3, Kosice, Slovak republic

