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Psychophonetics as Consultancy in Self-healing of the Incurable

Online free seminar in Košice, Slovakia with Yehuda Tagar as part of Open days of School of Empathy in SLovakia!




In every health condition there is a psychosomatic part. Sometimes it is 5% and another time it is 95%. Thanks to Psychophonetics we can observe what chance there is to change the condition through our own contribution.

Psychophonetics was formed during 20 year during which Yehuda Tagar, the founder, worked in close collaboration with medical doctors. This approach of Participatory medicine, in which a client takes active part in their own healing is being further developed in Psychophonetics.

What to expect

  • Psychosomatic topics, „incurable“ conditions such as eczema, migraine, stress, burnout, chronic fatigue, herpes, autoimune disorders.
  • Theoretical and practical introduction to Psychophonetics, which enables the client explore psychosomatic connections in their health condition.
  • There will be space for questions and a discussion.
  • With the help of a volunteer we will be able to demonstrate psychophonetic processes to deal with psychosomatic issues.


Yehuda Tagar, the founder of Psychophonetics, worked for 20 years in integrative medical clinics in Australia and South Africa in collaboration with medical doctors.

At the moment he sees private clients and is the main teacher in School of Empathy. On top of that he teaches Psychophonetics in other countries.


  • You will receive a zoom link a day before the event.
  • The seminar will be in English with a translation to Slovak


  • FREE – part of Open days in School of Empathy

Looking forward to meeting you!

The event is finished.


Mon, 20. November 2023


17:30 - 20:30




Office Kosice
Tolsteho 3, Kosice, Slovak republic




  • Yehuda Tagar
    Yehuda Tagar
    Riaditeľ PII a Školy empatie

    Riaditeľ Psychophonetics Institute International a spoluriaditeľ Školy Empatie, medzinárodný kouč, konzultant, terapeut a tréner, zakladateľ Psychofonetiky a Metodickej empatie.