We are please to welcome the inclusion of Psychophonetics as a modality of Anthroposophical Psychotherapy, based on Rudolf Steiner’s Psychosophy in the program of the British College of Integrative Medicine.
The British College of Integrative Medicine is promoting the teaching and research of integrative therapies in the UK and in Europe. We recognise Psychophonetics as an important new psychotherapeutic approach with evident benefits in mind-body medicine and look forward to being able to introduce our students to your practical teaching and philosophical views. We have been impressed by the effectiveness of Psychophonetics in quickly illuminating and powerfully addressing traumas held in body, soul and spirit and have witnessed the benefits achieved through your Masterclasses for the College and in your one to one work as a Master Practitioner in this field that you are pioneering.
We believe that Psychophonetics is an important addition to the range of modalities that Integrative Medicine doctors and other health professionals will be very keen to learn about and integrate into their own 21st Century IM practice.
We also appreciate that with its deep grounding in Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy and psychology, rooted as it is in the spiritual heart culture of Central Europe that Applied Psychosophy and Psychophonetics as a form of Anthroposophical Psychotherapy has an important role to play in the development of holistic integrative medicine in Europe, where we have strong partnerships and student interest.
We welcome you and your work to our College, Yehuda and admire the rigour and depth of your knowledge and commitment to making this new approach available to clients, health professionals and the academic community.