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Grow together in partnership

Full day workshop in Bernolakovo/online for couples and individuals with Yehuda and Mira Tagar.

A deepening of consciousness, sustainability and relationship development with Psychofonetics.

What can you expect?

  • During this workshop, Yehuda and Miroslava Tagar will introduce you to ways to create a better chance for more conscious agreements on growing in partnership using Psychophonetics and Methodical empathy.
  • Deepening the meeting of oneself on the way to meeting another person.
  • Tools for seeing, hearing, and knowing each other better – Methodical empathy – communication skills training in relationships – conscious listening.
  • Creating a common wish for growth.
  • Conscious agreements for shared space.
  • There will also be space for personal questions, sharing and discussion.
  • 90-minute teaching blocks packed with theory, practice, group and individual work.
  • All processes are designed so that participants can continue them after the end of their stay at home.

When one partner discovers new paths for himself, discovers new dimensions in himself, finds new friendships and is attracted by other experiences, it may happen that what nourished him in the relationship stops working for him. What filled him no longer attracts him. And then the common space becomes small. And the relationship may suffer because of it. As one grows in the relationship, it is possible that the other feels diminished.

Is it possible for us to grow together? Could we at least perceive each other’s needs so that they don’t hurt us? Is it possible to start trusting each other again and form agreements about what we have in common with respect and mutual understanding?

That’s what we’ll look at in this full-day couples workshop. We believe that the level of mutual understanding will increase, and the tools you will take away will help you deepen this understanding further so that you can grow together, although maybe each in a completely different area.

Individuals are of course welcome too, because it’s never too late to be a good partner to yourself.


The workshop consists of:

  • short theoretical introductions
  • discussions
  • individual and group psychophonetic processes

You will be guided through this workshop by the founder of the School of Empathy and Methods of Psychophonetics: Yehuda Tagar, with his wife Mira Tagar, a lecturer at the School of Empathy.

Mira Tagar

She works with Psychophonetics and Chirophonetics, is a special pedagogue and consultant for schools, director of the School of Empathy.

Yehuda Tagar

International psychophonetic counselor, consultant & trainer of Psychophonetics and Methodical Empathy, director of PII and School of Empathy.

Organizačné info

The workshop will be held in English, with a translation into Slovak,
9.30 – 11.00
11.30 – 13.00
14.30 – 16.00
16.39 – 18.00


  • SPECIAL OFFER only now 75 Eur couple, 39 Eur single!

We are looking forward to you!


Enrol NOW

to the Foundation Year in Psychophonetics
more info

The event is finished.


Sat, 2. December 2023


All day


39 €




Office Bernolakovo
Clementisova 20, Bernolakovo, Slovak republic


The School of Empathy
+421 910 926 450


  • Yehuda Tagar
    Yehuda Tagar
    Riaditeľ PII a Školy empatie

    Riaditeľ Psychophonetics Institute International a spoluriaditeľ Školy Empatie, medzinárodný kouč, konzultant, terapeut a tréner, zakladateľ Psychofonetiky a Metodickej empatie.

  • Mira Tagar
    Mira Tagar
    Výkonná riaditeľka

    Pracuje s Psychofonetikou a Chirofonetikou, je špeciálna pedagogička a konzultantka pre školy, riediteľka Školy Empatie.