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Restoration of personal boundaries

The free seminar with Yehuda Tagar is a taster and invitation to the 2-day online workshop. It is available to the public in person in Košice or online.




This time about restoring personal boundaries with Psychophonetics.

All living beings have at least a centre and a boundary. Life and its renewal depend on the creation and renewal of one’s own boundaries. The centre creates the periphery; the periphery protects the centre at the same time.

In my private clinical practice over the years, many people have asked me to help them create and restore personal boundaries – involving past and present partners, bosses, colleagues, parents, children and friends. Therefore, I decided to hold a seminar on the basic principles of restoring personal boundaries based on Psychophonetics, with the hope that it can be useful for personal and professional use.

As always, I will approach it not primarily as a pathology, but as a ‘Psychology of Freedom’ – an expression of the ongoing evolutionary process of individuation and personal freedom.


The seminar consists of the following:

  • the lecture
  • discussion
  • practical demonstration of psychophonetic work

In this seminar with Yehuda Tagar, you will learn about the following:

  • Ten stages of boundaries restoration
  • Psychophonetics as a method of self-awareness and transformation that can help clients deal with the issue of boundaries
  • boundaries between body and soul
  • potential defence against your own internal self-destructive emotions


A teacher, coach and counsellor, founder of the School of Empathy with 30 years of experience, he will introduce you to the tools for restoring personal boundaries, which he uses in his long-term practice.

Why Psychophonetics?

Psychophonetics helps people to cross their personal thresholds. I can use my potential if I understand my inner self, understand what is happening inside me, only then can I influence it in the desired way.

With the help of Psychophonetics, I can look at what is happening inside me as if it were on the screen in front of me, and I can make the necessary changes thanks to it.

Organizational info

  • For the online version: you will receive an email with a link to Zoom the day before the event.
  • For personal participation: you will receive an email with details after your registration.
  • 30 minutes after the start of the seminar, the group will be closed to create a safe space for the participants.
  • The seminar is held in English with a professional translation into Slovak.


  • FREE for the public as a taster of the 2-day online workshop on boundaries restoration
  • free for students of the School of Empathy

We are looking forward to meeting you!

The event is finished.


Fri, 20. January 2023


18:00 - 21:00




Office Kosice
Tolsteho 3, Kosice, Slovak republic


The School of Empathy, Košice
+421 948 216 772


  • Yehuda Tagar
    Yehuda Tagar

    Riaditeľ Psychophonetics Institute International a spoluriaditeľ Školy Empatie, medzinárodný kouč, konzultant, terapeut a tréner, zakladateľ Psychofonetiky a Metodickej empatie.