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A deepening of consciousness, sustainability and relationship development with Psychophonetics retreat with Yehuda and Mira Tagar.

“We are relational Neanderthals!

 In this most important area of ​​our life

 we barely got out of the trees.

Yehuda Tagar

We invite you to a summer retreat for individuals and couples
with Yehuda and Mira Tagar

in the beautiful space of Shambhala Centre.

During this retreat, Yehuda and Mira Tagar will present processes for awareness, care and taking responsibility for the development of relationships using Psychophonetics and Methodical Empathy and, among other things, relationship rituals that, if cultivated, help restore the relationship with yourself and your partner.

Every living being require specific conditions for its life and development. Human relationship is no exception. But human beings have options when it comes to their relationship:

 A) have a relationship based on partners as they are, or

 B) decide to develop individually further and, on this basis, consciously maintain and develop your relationship.

What will you experience at this workshop?

  • You will set goals for personal and relational development
  • You will learn practical procedures for achieving your goals
  • You will learn about the basic principles of a sustainable and developing relationship.

The program will include:

  • Psychophonetic processes of self-awareness, self-care and personality development
  • Rituals for conscious relationships
  • Metodická empatia – tréning komunikačných zručností vo vzťahu – vedomé počúvanie

All processes are designed so that participants can continue them after the end of their stay at home.

Couples, marriages and families are still formed and operated on the poor foundation and old programs that we inherited from our ancestors. And it doesn’t work. When we look back at the current state of our human relations from the future, we will consider today’s communication standards as a Neanderthal phase of human evolution. Compared to our high hopes and expectations for the most important relationships, we are increasingly disappointed by our and our partner’s inability to communicate effectively. Our capacity to form conscious, sustainable and renewable intimate relationships is primitive by our standards. Compared to our intellectual, technological, professional, economic and managerial abilities, our abilities to consciously communicate effectively with our partners are antiquated, at the level of the Stone Age. We are Neanderthals when it comes to developing empathy.

An intimate relationship is a gift of fate. So many things have to “accidentally” come together for a relationship to begin. The two must meet when they are both open to mutual interest and attraction, which is pure alchemy. For love to be a possibility at all, there must be mutual respect and the possibility of commitment; a thousand details must fit together, creating space for intimacy and trust. And then, when the relationship finally begins, he has to go through countless trials daily. It is a garden we have been given as a gift that needs to be cared for daily. Otherwise, it can easily become a trap, a prison or a war zone. The pressures of modern life will take their toll, and trials will come. Falling in love will need to be replaced by the art of love. Some aspects of the initial gift will be salvageable and restored, some not. For the garden to remain a garden, it will be necessary to introduce and develop a new element in the relationship, empathy. It will be necessary to overcome the longest distance in the world: from looking at life from my point of view to looking at life from your point of view. Just attempting this shift represents a chance to maintain and develop the initial gift of love.


International psychophonetic coach, counsellor, consultant & trainer of Psychophonetics and Methodical Empathy, director of PII and School of Empathy.

Miroslava Tagar

She works with Psychophonetics and Chirophonetics, is a special pedagogue and consultant for schools, and is the director of the School of Empathy.

Why Psychophonetics?

During more than 30 years of work in coaching, counselling, psychotherapy, personal development, consulting and relationship counselling and many years of training professionals in these fields in 10 countries – Yehuda has created a set of 18 fundamental principles for a sustainable and developing personal relationship that can help minimize that which tends to destroy it and maximize that which tends to develop it further.

Organizational info

Number of participants: 15-20
The workshop will be held in English, with a translation into Slovak.


  • The price for the stay includes accommodation and meals 
    • Until 30.6. for an individual €400, for a couple €500
    • Until 15.7. for an individual €450, for a couple €550

Application and payment deadline

  • 15.7.2023

We are looking forward to meet you!

The event is finished.


Tue - Fri, 15. - 18. August 2023


vo štvrtok od 17:00
All day


420 €




The School of Empathy, Košice
+421 948 216 772


  • Yehuda Tagar
    Yehuda Tagar

    Riaditeľ Psychophonetics Institute International a spoluriaditeľ Školy Empatie, medzinárodný kouč, konzultant, terapeut a tréner, zakladateľ Psychofonetiky a Metodickej empatie.

  • Mira Tagar
    Mira Tagar
    Managing director

    She works with Psychophonetics and Chirophonetics, also as a special pedagogue and consultant for schools, director of School of Empathy.