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Why do I react to my child just as my parents did to me?

The seminar is a part f the Foundation Year in Psychophonetics. It is both online and in-person form – you can come to a zoom meeting or to Bernolakovo.




This time about overcoming unconscious reactions and shouting at children

You love your children, you want the best for them and you promised yourself that you will never do to them what your parents did to you?

But you end up in the same situation over and over again – you explode and shout at the most vulnerable and precious person in your life.

Then you feel guilty about it, you try to find an excuse why you had to shout. It seems as if it was somebody completely else doing it.

Psychophonetics can work with reactions effectively because it can help clients to go deep inside and find the source of the reaction.

  The reaction is never about the child in front of us, but there is something unhealed and suffering inside of us which is calling for our attention.

We will introduce the skills for self-awareness, understanding and processing of anger and reactions.


The seminar consists from

  • A lecture
  • A discussion
  • A demonstration of psychophonetics work

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet its creator, Yehudu Tagara, and learn about the method directly from him. Get to know her uniqueness and change your life for the better!


A teacher, coach and counselor, the founder of the School of Empathy with 30 years of experience, will introduce you to the secrets and art of a healthy relationship, to yourself and to other people.

Why Psychophonetics

Psychophonetics helps people exceed their personal thresholds. I can change my automatic, repetitive destructive reactions if I can see myself. I will understand what is going on inside me, only then can I influence it in the desired way.
With the help of Psychophonetics, I can look at what is happening inside me as if it were on the screen in front of me, and I can make the necessary changes as a result

More info

We will send an e-mail with a link to Zoom to the registered participants the day before the event.
30 minutes after the start of the seminar, the group will close to create a safe space for participants.
The seminar is held in English with a professional translation into Slovak.
There will also be space for questions, discussion and a practical demonstration of psychophonetic work.


  • for the public 15 €
  • for students of the School of Empathy free of charge

We are looking forward to meeting you!

The event is finished.



Mon, 20. June 2022


18:00 - 21:00


15 €


Office Bernolakovo
Clementisova 20, Bernolakovo, Slovak republic


The School of Empathy
+421 910 926 450


  • Yehuda Tagar
    Yehuda Tagar

    Riaditeľ Psychophonetics Institute International a spoluriaditeľ Školy Empatie, medzinárodný kouč, konzultant, terapeut a tréner, zakladateľ Psychofonetiky a Metodickej empatie.