Testimonials about School of Empathy
Adrian Kupec
A while ago, I opened the recording of the first day of the intensive Empathy school for the first time. After a minute, a smile appeared on my face. I think this expression of my body will say more than a thousand words, but I will try to write at least a few.
When I found out the day before the start how many people were coming, I considered just joining via Zoom. I open up very slowly among a lot of new people. I’m more like just an observer in such cases. I observe the thoughts and energy of the people around me, evaluate the situation, their worldview and look for a common language, how to talk to them, so that we can understand each other if the conversation happens to happen…plus I have a very hard time remembering names 😊
The first day was a real shock therapy for me… lots of people to meet, drawing, moving (free calf movements) in front of strangers. But at the end of the day, I was satisfied with myself that I survived and thought that it would only get easier and more interesting.
I couldn’t be more right and wrong at the same time 😊
Every single day was more interesting than the previous one in terms of the curriculum, getting to know people, processes… but at the same time, I began to realize how much work still awaits me.
During Bruno’s process, I felt the full weight of everything I need to heal in myself – the Doppelgänger in me took over and turned into a black hole absorbing all self-love.
Nevertheless, on the last day during the self-process, I realized that everything can be cured and overcome… it is possible… not to control, but to heal!
A bunch of strangers….in 5 days….created a place where there is empathy, understanding, trust, support and love.
Matthew, 18:20… “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
I rarely miss something or someone, as life has taught me not to get attached to anything material… but I’ll tell you… the first day after the intensive, I missed you all at once!
Lenka Smutná
The first seminar mainly gave me the ability to look at how I have it in me and how I feel – physically, mentally, and emotionally. At the same time, however, not only the ability to realize it but especially to allow me to admit it, with the knowledge that I had coughed up myself. Until then and had been in a rather inferior place to me. So it gave me a big Aha effect that if I want to develop further in life, I need to know not only who I am and what I want to develop, but to take care of myself so that I have the strength and energy to do something at all.
Zuzana Nemešová
During the 1st seminar at School of Empathy, I understood what takes strength in my life, and I also saw what I can do with it in practice. I also felt, or rather, I finally allowed myself to feel and named what I needed.
Silvia Krajči
My 1st seminar showed me that there is a way to look at my blocks, doubts, fears, guilt and other monsters. It gave me the tool to do it right here and now, I detail with it on the spot. Until then, I did not experience anything like that, coming straight from me and directly to me. It was the first real step towards the freedom of my spirit and the healing of my soul.
Veronika Longová
The first seminar gets me to start exercising more regularly. At the same time, since then, I have started to notice my mental processes (especially the negative ones) more intensely than before, and so I allowed myself to work with them consciously. I learned to work with my laziness. I saw it suck me out of energy like a vampire. And I’ve been paying more attention to it ever since, and it doesn’t have me in its hand anymore. Thank you for such an opportunity <3
I was interested in the idea that it is not enough to analyze in the head, but you also need to work and train on the relationship between me and me.
I want to thank. I want to ask you, could you do more of these online events? Even if Yehuda didn’t have time, what about the graduates? I would also like to continue.
I only understood it now as I had it as a child.
It was completely new for me, I had never thought about the relationship with my inner self, but I needed to hear it to realize that there is also this other side.
It was really very useful for me, it was nice to meet you, this job is a very deep experience for me, even though I read a lot about psychology, but this is very specific what I got.
I liked the interactivity and the fact that the workshop was not only theoretically but also practically focused. By being able to follow the process of two women, everyone could go through their own process for themselves, and that was really very rewarding. From my point of view, much more than when working only on a theoretical level, or only with a thought…
It bothers me a little that he interprets because it interrupts the thread and stretches the time, but since I don’t know English myself, it’s a necessity… it kind of interrupts the watching, the thread… it occurred to me again that it’s time to start learning English again.
Like always, I am leaving things for the last second to get done, but as we say: better late than never. From the last meeting passed 2 weeks and it feels like a year went by. First intensive was for me an amazing experience and huge shock at the same time. I found out, in the last 2 years I changend from an extrovert to introvert. I felt awkward, sometime I disliked being in a company of that many people, getting to know them and feeling relaxed infront of them. Meanwhile I slowly to started to enjoy it even though I didn’t really get much out of myself ( even the nothing was enough for me). It was amazing to see that many people of different professions, ages and genders in one group, meeting together to solve what bothers them, and creates barriers in different stages of their lives. I was touched by many other people’s life stories. Many times I felt like crying as a small child. It was beautiful to see our classmates opening up, to observe their diversity and uniqueness. I took a lot of things to work on, most of all about being able to confide in others with my life. Every day I remind myself what I can be thankful for. I can’t wait for next intensives and results in our development, support and seeing others become happier, more confident and empathetic. Maybe it would be better for me to write down the feelings from each day so that I could somehow break down, memorize them and remind myself of it, because I had completely different feelings after each day. I just realized I would not make a career as a reporter 😊 (but I could do stand-up comedy 😊)
I’m looking forward to the next days. Seminars. How Yehuda will talk with magical energy and charisma, give perfect comparisons, and I will only listen quietly with bated breath and reflect on the depth of his thoughts. To Silvia, who puts her whole self and unreal love into her lecture, and to Mirka, who brings infinite peace and tranquility to me 😊
Thank you for everything and I wish you the most beautiful days until the next intensive.
Adrian Kupec
Keď som sa deň pred začiatkom dozvedel, koľko ľudí ma prísť, zvažoval som, že sa len pripojím cez Zoom. Medzi množstvom nových ľudí sa otváram len veľmi pomaly. Som skôr len pozorovateľom v takých prípadoch. Pozorujem myšlienky a energiu ľudí okolo, zhodnocujem situáciu, ich svetonázor a hľadám spoločný jazyk, ako sa s nimi rozprávať, aby sme sa vedeli pochopiť, ak už ku konverzácii náhodou príde….plus veľmi ťažko si pamätám mená 😊
Prvý deň bol pre mňa priam šokovou terapiou… veľa ľudí na zoznámenie, kreslenie, hýbanie sa (voľné pohyby teľa) pred cudzími ľuďmi. No na konci dňa som bol so sebou spokojný, že som to prežil a myslel som, že už to bude len a len ľahšie a zaujímavejšie.
Nemohol som mať väčšiu pravdu a mýliť sa naraz 😊
Každý jeden deň bol zaujímavejší od predošlého, čo sa učiva týkalo, spoznávania ľudí, procesov…. no zároveň som si začal uvedomovať koľko práce ma na sebe ešte čaká.
Pri Brunovom procese som pocítil plnú váhu všetkého, čo musím v sebe vyliečiť – Dvojník vo mne sa prebral a premenil na čiernu dieru pohlcujúc všetku sebalásku.
Napriek tomu som si v posledný deň pri sebaprocese uvedomil, že všetko je možné vyliečiť a prekonať… je to možné… nie ovládnuť, ale vyliečiť!
Kopa cudzích ľudí…. za 5 dní…. vytvorila miesto, kde existuje empatia, pochopenie, dôvera, podpora a láska.
Matúš, 18:20… „Lebo kde sú dvaja alebo traja zhromaždení v mojom mene, tam som Ja medzi nimi.“
Málokedy mi niečo alebo niekto chýba, nakoľko ma život naučil neviazať sa na nič hmotné… no poviem vám…prvý deň po intenzíve ste mi všetci do jedného chýbali!
Lenka Smutná
Zuzana Nemešová
Počas 1. seminár Školy empatie som pochopila, čo mi berie v mojom živote silu a uvidela som aj to, čo s tým môžem spraviť prakticky. Taktiež som pocítila, alebo skôr, konečne som si dovolila pocítiť a pomenovať, čo som práve vtedy potrebovala.
Silvia Krajči
Veronika Longová
Mňa zaujala myšlienka, že nestačí analýza v hlave, ale treba pracovať a trénovať aj na vzťahu ja a ja.
Chcem sa poďakovať. Chcem vás poprosiť, mohli by ste tieto online podujatia robiť viac? Aj keby Yehuda nemal čas, tak absolventi? Rada by som aj pokračovala.
Až teraz som to pochopila ako som to mala ako dieťa.
Pre mňa to bolo úplne nové, nikdy som sa nezamýšľala nad vzťahom so svojim vnútrom, ale potrebovala som to počuť, aby som si uvedomila že je tu aj táto iná strana.
Bolo mi to naozaj veľmi užitočné, rada som vás spoznala, pre mňa je to veľmi hlboký zážitok táto práca, aj keď dosť toho čítam o psychológii ale toto je veľmi konkrétne čo som dostala.
Mne trochu vadí, že sa tlmočí, lebo sa tým prerušuje niť a naťahuje sa čas, no keďže aj ja sama neviem po anglicky, je to nutnosť… trochu to akoby ruší to sledovanie, tú niť… znovu mi prišlo, že už je načase znovu sa pustiť do angličtiny.
Teším sa na ďaľšie dni. Semináre. Na to ako bude Yehuda čarovnou energiou a charizmou rozprávať, dávať perfektné prirovnania a ja budem iba ticho so zatajeným dychom počúvať a zamýšlať sa nad hĺbkou jeho myšlienok. Na Silviu, ktorá do svojho prednášania dáva celé svoje ja a neskutočnú lásku a na Mirku, ktorá do mňa vnáša nekonečný kľud a mier 😊
Ďakujem za všetko a prajem vám tie najkrajšie dni do ďalšieho intenzívu.
Som vďačná za túto podporu, ktorá sa dostáva ženám / a nielen /. Nech sa každej vzácnej ženskej bytosti dostane takejto podpory!
Testimonials about Psychophonetics
Profesor Dr. Zelda Knight PhD
I write this letter in my capacity as President of SAAP – South African Association of Psychotherapy, headquartered at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. I am also a Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Rhodes University. I am also a registered Psychologist with the Health Professionals Council for South Africa.
Mr Tagar is an exceptional individual, teacher, counsellor, psychotherapist and trainer in mastery of arrange of unique and extraordinary skills which he has evolved over many years of work in a number of countries. Building on an extensive education and training in social sciences, humanities and the arts, Mr Tagar developed the field of Psychophonetics, a field which continues to expand both locally and internationally. Psychophonetics is a form of personal coaching, counselling and therapy that involves the use of verbal as well as non-verbal modes of communication: sense, gesture, sounds and visualisation to promote self awareness and a range of modes of self-intervention for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. The holistic principles of Psychophonetics (as practised and taught by Mr Tagar) resonate deeply with the traditional as well as the multi-cultural human landscape of South.
I first met Mr Tagar in 2001 at the foundation conference of the South African Association of Psychotherapy of which I am a co-founder and the current president. Mr Tagar was originally invited by us to present his work on recovery from sexual abuse with Psychophonetics. We were deeply impressed by the richness, artistry, humanity and effectiveness of his approach to this deeply concerning condition here and worldwide, and by the development of Psychophonetics in general. On the basis of his presented work Mr Tagar was accepted by us as a professional member of SAAP. His subsequent contribution to SAAP’s follow up conference in 2003 on “Metaphors as Reality for the Life-Body” and the experiential workshop he gave to the whole conference equally highly appreciated.
The wealth of publications and presentations under Mr Tagar’s name and the body of work and training he has created in South Africa since his arrival here are a testimony to his internationally professionally recognised expertise, and I have no hesitation in expressing my opinion that Mr Tagar possesses exceptional and extraordinary skills in the field of personal development, counselling, executive and organizational coaching using Psychophonetics.
Prof. PhDr. Hana Lukášová, CSc
Based on Mr Yehuda Taggar’s request, I would like to comment on the recommendation of his lectures for your institution.
I recommend incorporating exercises in conscious empathy into the training of teaching staff and experts in a number of social areas that monitor the development of a person’s inner self on their way to humanity.
I participated in several seminars offered by the author in the Czech Republic. In an original way, the author combines his deep knowledge of the ideas of the philosophy of freedom with the practical application of dramatization methods for self-knowledge and self-understanding of the personality of seminar participants. Participants always take away stimuli for their individual self-development and experience with practical tools of self-knowledge with which they can work in the field of empathy themselves in the future.
Curriculum Prof. PhDr. Hana Lukášová, CSc
- At the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty of Education in Ostrava, she worked as an assistant and professor (1975-1989).
- She worked at the Institute for Free Alternative Education at the University of Ostrava from 1992-1998.
- She worked at the Department of Pedagogy for Primary and Alternative Education the period from 1998 to 2013 and was also the head of this department.
- In 2014, she joined the Institute of School Pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities at T. Bata University in Zlín. It focuses on the preparation of teachers for primary education and, in research, also on issues of pedeutology.
Dr Paulo Moraes MD, FRACGP
I am writing this reference regarding Mr. Yehuda Tagar, professional counselor, psychotherapist and professional member of the Society of Counseling and Psychotherapy Educators of Australia (SCAPE).
I am a Medical Doctor registered in Australia as a General Medical Practitioner since 1989 and a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. I have been the principal medical practitioner at the Melbourne Therapy Centre; a medical and therapeutic clinic based on Anthroposophy, since 1993.
I am currently a board member of the Australian Anthroposophical Medicine Association (AAMA) and have been a member of this Association since it’s foundation in 1995.
Yehuda Tagar has been practicing counseling-psychotherapy using Philophonetics Counseling since 1991. Until recently, with the establishment of Philophonetics Counseling training in South Africa, he was part of the multidisciplinary therapeutic team at the Melbourne Therapy Centre.
I have had a close working relationship with Yehuda Tagar during the last 9 years. During this time we have had mutual patients that required medical and psychotherapeutic management for a range of psychological and psychosomatic conditions. I really believe that Psychophonetics is a safe and beneficial modality of psychotherapy.
In my opinion Psychophonetics has a philosophical basis on Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy.
I personally believe Yehuda Tagar works out of high professional standards and professional integrity. He is professionally qualified to assist patients in psychological distress arising from traumatic life events.
I have no hesitation in referring/recommending patients for Philophonetics.
Dr Rosy Daniel, BSc MBCh
We are please to welcome the inclusion of Psychophonetics as a modality of Anthroposophical Psychotherapy, based on Rudolf Steiner’s Psychosophy in the program of the British College of Integrative Medicine.
The British College of Integrative Medicine is promoting the teaching and research of integrative therapies in the UK and in Europe. We recognise Psychophonetics as an important new psychotherapeutic approach with evident benefits in mind-body medicine and look forward to being able to introduce our students to your practical teaching and philosophical views. We have been impressed by the effectiveness of Psychophonetics in quickly illuminating and powerfully addressing traumas held in body, soul and spirit and have witnessed the benefits achieved through your Masterclasses for the College and in your one to one work as a Master Practitioner in this field that you are pioneering.
We believe that Psychophonetics is an important addition to the range of modalities that Integrative Medicine doctors and other health professionals will be very keen to learn about and integrate into their own 21st Century IM practice.
We also appreciate that with its deep grounding in Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy and psychology, rooted as it is in the spiritual heart culture of Central Europe that Applied Psychosophy and Psychophonetics as a form of Anthroposophical Psychotherapy has an important role to play in the development of holistic integrative medicine in Europe, where we have strong partnerships and student interest.
We welcome you and your work to our College, Yehuda and admire the rigour and depth of your knowledge and commitment to making this new approach available to clients, health professionals and the academic community.
Profesor Sylvester Madu
I write this letter in my capacity as Head of the Department of Psychology of the University of Limpopo and as President of the World Council of Psychotherapy – African Chapter (WCP-AC), in support of the work permit application of Mr Yehuda Tagar (born on 31 May 1953), a national of Australia. I am therefore competent to issue this letter.
Mr Tagar is an exceptional individual in every sense of the word. Building on an extensive education and training in social sciences, the humanities and the arts, Mr Tagar developed the field of Psychophonetics, a field which continues to expand its extremely beneficial applications both locally and in international terms. Psychophonetics is a form of personal, executive and corporate coaching, counselling and therapy that involves the use of sense, gesture, sounds and visualisation to promote emotional self awareness, maximising the use of personal resources, stress management and healing. While visualisation and sense-therapy are techniques frequently used by psychotherapists, the spiritual principles of Psychophonetics (as practised and taught by Mr Tagar) resonate deeply with traditional African practices in a particularly effective manner that is substantially different to normative Western practices.
For the past 15 years Mr Tagar has been closely associated with Persephone College of Philophonetics International, the last three years of which he has been employed as Principal and lecturer at Persephone College in South Africa. He has been a highly appreciated contributor to leading conferences of psychology academics in this country which I attended: South African Association of Psychotherapy conference at Rhodes University in 2001 and 2003, where he introduced his powerful methodology of recovery from sexual abuse and his work on “Metaphors as reality for the Life Body”. At my invitation he was a presenter at the 4th International Conference of the African Chapter of the World Council of Psychotherapy at Polokwane. Together with Professor Stan Lifschitz of the University of South Africa and Dr Corinne Oosthuizen of the University of Johannesburg he presented a successful workshop on rituals of healing to participants from universities of various African countries. Mr Tagar has published a much appreciated chapter on “Psychophonetics in South Africa” at my book “CONTRIBUTIONS TO PSYCHOTHERAPY IN AFRICA” (Madu, S. N. (ed.) (2003). Contributions to psychotherapy in Africa (pp. 91-118). Polokwane (Pietersburg): UNIN Press.). All these are but initial indicators of his potential future contribution to this country.
The great wealth of publications and presentations under Mr Tagar’s name is a testimony to his internationally professionally recognised expertise and I have no hesitation in expressing my opinion that Mr Tagar possesses exceptional and extraordinary skills in the field of personal development, executive and organizational coaching using Psychophonetics. It is my understanding that Mr Tagar desires to continue to employ his skills and experience in South Africa. In my opinion his skills in this field will undoubtedly be of benefit to the South African environment in which he intends sojourning.
I was very fascinated by the method. More so, the method is not culture-bound. My impression is that it has the potential of making a significant contribution in the treatment of abused and traumatized person not only in South Africa, but also in the whole of Africa.
David Cooper
I am Head of Department, Sociology, at the University of Cape Town. I wish to support Mr Yehuda Tagar, in terms of his special skill and expertise. I feel he qualifies for this in terms of these unique attributes which are much needed in our African.
As I will explain below, he has given his professional practice an African framework and context. In the past few years, he has become known throughout South Africa as a wonderful teacher of the practice of Psychopnonetics, and he has trained over 100 people of diverse languages and backgrounds, including in poor areas, to become practitioners.
I myself have undergone three counseling sessions under his principles of Psychophonetics. Not only does this combine therapy with sounds, gestures and visualization – a unique approach which he has himself developed internationally and brought to Africa – but also the aim is to complete the psychological healing in only a few sessions (unlike long forms of therapy in traditional Western psychology). The last point is important, as he is beginning training of practitioners in the African townships, where people are not able usually to afford long periods of extended therapy. Hence his approach has potentially, enormous benefits for ordinary people in our country, who welcome short but intensive treatment to help them deal with the problems and traumas of everyday life in situations of poverty and stress. Moreover, his mode of theraphy with sounds and gestures fits well with traditional African healing and therapy modes.
In the light of above, I feel Mr Tagar has very scarce and much needed skills which our country needs, for both his teaching college and his psychological therapy practices and training.
Dr Leela Monti
My name is Dr Leela Monti, I am a registered medical practitioner in the UK and I work as a Specialty Doctor in Forensic Psychiatry within Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT). I am also a graduate of the 3rd year of Mr Tagar’s professional training of Psychophonetics, an Anthroposophical Psychosomatic Psychotherapy training program in Stroud, UK between 2010 and 2013.
Mr Tagar is an Australian, South African and British psychotherapist and an international trainer of psychotherapist, and since 2010 he has worked in the UK. He is the founder of the advanced and innovative powerful modality of Psychophonetics, a practical approach to empower people in different sectors and in various conditions of mental health issues – to become their own helpers and independent in their self care and recovery, through a remarkably short period of therapeutic intervention.
I would like to commend Mr Tagar as a human being, a psychotherapist and as a trainer of psychotherapists and to recommend to anyone in a position to apply and utilise his exceptional skills in the field of mental health in Britain today, on the following grounds:
Firstly, studying Psychophonetics has been a tremendous support for my own development as a human being, as a medical practitioner and as a psychiatrist. It enabled me to maintain a high level of personal sustainability, self-care and burn-out prevention in a very high-pressured work environment, while caring for people with very challenging mental health issues in the complex and demanding field of forensic psychiatry in the UK.
Secondly, Psychophonetics provides training in ‘Methodical Empathy’ – the process of methodical cultivation of the empathic capacity of mental health practitioners (and of other health professionals), which sharpens their perceptive capacity of patients’ experiences and reality from their own point of view. I find Mr Tagar’s teaching of the highest value in my work as a psychiatrist, and I would recommend his training to all mental health practitioners in the UK. Mr Tagar is, to my knowledge, the only teacher of Methodical Empathy in Britain today.
Thirdly, the powerful, self-empowering and highly ethical intervention tools of Psychophonetics, in the hands of trained practitioners, can be of tremendous help for the strengthening, the recovery and the capacity of further self care of people with mental health challenges, on the basis of a very short period of professional intervention. Mr Tagar is the only fully qualified trainer of Psychophonetics Psychotherapists in Britain today.
Lastly – and most important for the future of mental health in this country – Mr Tagar is a regular contributor to the post graduate training of the Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in the Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT), lecturing on psychotherapy and self-care topics to our mental health care team here: Methodical Empathy, self care for the caring professionals, burn out prevention for practitioners and on Psychophonetics approach to the recovery from the trauma of past sexual abuse. His contribution is highly appreciated by our team of psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners here.
On the basis of Mr Tagar’s good work in post graduate education of mental health professionals in this country, alongside the other contributions listed above, he is uniquely capable of sustainable contributions to the mental health care services in this country.
Ian Gillespie
I am a registered clinical psychologist and have been practicing in Cape Town for more than 10 years. I have also served as a member of the Council of the Psychological Society of South Africa in the capacity of Chair of its Division of Health and Sport Psychology. In my previous career I was Chair and Managing Director of one of the BP Group of Companies.
As Chair of COCHASA and a member of its national executive since its foundation, I have had full opportunity to observe the arrival in South Africa of a number of new modalities of healing and therapy and of their development into fully acknowledged professions. In the light of my experience, my view of Psychophonetics, which has been developed by Mr Tagar, is that it offers a valuable contribution to the range of healing modalities available to the South African public. Mr Tagar is an exceptional individual in every sense of the word and building on his extensive education and training in social sciences and the arts, Psychophonetics has become a field which continues to expand internationally. It comprises a form of counselling and therapy involving the use of sense, gesture, sounds and visualisation to promote emotional healing. While these techniques are frequently used by psychotherapists, the spiritual principles of Psychophonetics (as practised and taught by Mr Tagar) resonate deeply with traditional African practices in a particularly effective manner that is substantially different to normative Western practices.
The wealth of publications and presentations under Mr Tagar’s name is testimony to his internationally professionally recognised expertise and I have no hesitation in expressing my opinion that Mr Tagar possesses exceptional skills in the field of personal development, executive and organisational coaching using Psychophonetics. I have personally witnessed Mr Tagar’s clinical work demonstrated on clients in Cape Town and found it showing speedy and effective benefit. I have also attended as part of a final examination panel for the graduation of a leading medical practitioner who has completed the three-year professional course in Psychophonetics offered by Mr Tagar. I found the case presentation on a complicated psycho-somatic topic most convincing, and a powerful demonstration of Mr Tagar’s ability as a methodology developer, teacher, trainer and supervisor in this field.
I take this opportunity of wishing him every success in his future endeavors.
Ian Gillespie
- Chair COCHASA (Confederation of Complementary Health Associations of South Africa);
- Member of the National Executive of Action on Elder Abuse;
- Member of the National Executive of the Joint Forum for Policy on Ageing; Life Member Economic Society of South Africa;
- Life Member Psychological Society of South Africa;
- South African Sport Merit Award for Coaching
Profesor Dr. Zelda Knight PhD
Pán Tagar je výnimočným jednotlivcom, učiteľom, poradcom, psychoterapeutom a trénerom v ovládaní jedinečných a mimoriadnych zručností, ktoré si rozvinul počas mnohých rokov práce v mnohých krajinách. Na základe rozsiahleho vzdelania a školenia v oblasti spoločenských, humanitných a umeleckých vied pán Tagar rozvinul oblasť psychofonetiky, oblasť, ktorá sa neustále rozširuje na miestnej aj medzinárodnej úrovni. Psychofonetika je forma osobného koučingu, poradenstva a terapie, ktorá zahŕňa používanie verbálnych, ako aj neverbálnych spôsobov komunikácie: zmysel, gesto, zvuky a vizualizáciu na podporu sebauvedomenia a celý rad spôsobov sebaintervencie pre fyzické, emocionálne a duchovné uzdravenie. Holistické princípy psychofonetiky (ako ich praktizuje a učí pán Tagar) hlboko rezonujú s tradičnou, ako aj multikultúrnou ľudskou krajinou Juhu.
S pánom Tagarom som sa prvýkrát stretla v roku 2001 na zakladajúcej konferencii Juhoafrickej asociácie psychoterapie, ktorej som spoluzakladateľkou a súčasnou prezidentkou. Pán Tagar bol od nás pôvodne pozvaný, aby prezentoval svoju prácu o zotavovaní sa zo sexuálneho zneužívania pomocou psychofonetiky. Hlboko na nás zapôsobila bohatosť, umenie, ľudskosť a efektívnosť jeho prístupu k tomuto hlboko znepokojujúcemu stavu u nás i vo svete a rozvoj Psychofonetiky vo všeobecnosti. Na základe prezentovanej práce bol pán Tagar nami prijatý za profesionálneho člena SAAP. Rovnako vysoko hodnotený bol aj jeho následný príspevok na nadväzujúcej konferencii SAAP v roku 2003 na tému „Metafory ako realita pre telo života“ a zážitkový workshop, ktorý poskytol celej konferencii.
Množstvo publikácií a prezentácií pod menom pána Tagara a množstvo práce a školení, ktoré vytvoril v Južnej Afrike od svojho príchodu sem, sú dôkazom jeho medzinárodne profesionálne uznávaných odborných znalostí a ja bez váhania vyjadrím svoj názor, že pán Tagar má výnimočné a mimoriadne zručnosti v oblasti osobného rozvoja, poradenstva, výkonného a organizačného koučingu s využitím Psychofonetiky.
Prof. PhDr. Hana Lukášová, CSc.
Doporučuji k zakomponování cvičení ve vědomé empatii do přípravy pedagogických pracovníků a odborníků v řadě sociálních oblastí, které sledují rozvoj niternosti člověka na jeho cestě k lidství.
Zúčastnila jsem se několika seminářů, které nabízí autor v České republice. Autor originálním způsobem spojuje svou hlubokou znalost myšlenek filosofie svobody s praktickou aplikací dramatizačních metod pro sebepoznání, sebeporozumění osobnosti účastníků seminářů. Účastníci si vždy odnášejí podněty pro svůj individuální seberozvoj a zkušenost s praktickými nástroji sebepoznání, s nimiž mohou v oblasti empatie sami pracovat v budoucnosti.
Kurikulum Prof. PhDr. Hana Lukášová, CSc
Na katedře pedagogiky a psychologie Pedagogické fakulty v Ostravě pracovala jako asistentka a odborná asistentka (1975-1989).
V Ústavu pro svobodné alternativní školství na Ostravské univerzitě působila v letech 1992-1998.
Na katedře pedagogiky pro primární a alternativní vzdělávání působila v období od roku 1998 -2013 a byla i vedoucí této katedry.
V roce 2014 nastoupila na Ústav školní pedagogiky na Fakultě humanitních studií Univerzity T. Bati ve Zlíně. Zaměřuje se na přípravu učitelů pro primární edukaci a výzkumně i na otázky pedeutologie.
Dr Paulo Moraes MD, FRACGP
Som lekár registrovaný v Austrálii ako všeobecný lekár od roku 1989 a člen Kráľovskej austrálskej akadémie všeobecných lekárov. Bol som hlavným praktickým lekárom v Melbourne Therapy Centre; lekárska a terapeutická klinika založená na antropozofii od roku 1993.
V súčasnosti som členom správnej rady Austrálskej asociácie antropozofickej medicíny (AAMA) a som členom tejto asociácie od jej založenia v roku 1995.
Yehuda Tagar sa venuje poradensko-psychoterapii pomocou Philophonetics Counseling od roku 1991. Donedávna, po založení tréningu Philophonetics Counseling v Južnej Afrike, bol súčasťou multidisciplinárneho terapeutického tímu v Melbourne Therapy Centre.
Počas posledných 9 rokov som mal blízky pracovný vzťah s Yehudom Tagarom. Počas tejto doby sme mali spoločných pacientov, ktorí si vyžadovali medicínsky a psychoterapeutický manažment pre celý rad psychologických a psychosomatických stavov. Naozaj verím, že Psychofonetika je bezpečný a prospešný spôsob psychoterapie.
Podľa môjho názoru má Psychofonetika filozofický základ na antropozofii Rudolfa Steinera.
Osobne verím, že Yehuda Tagar pracuje v súlade s vysokými profesionálnymi štandardmi a profesionálnou integritou. Je odborne spôsobilý pomáhať pacientom v psychickej tiesni vyplývajúcej z traumatických životných udalostí.
Neváham odporučiť/odporúčať pacientov na Psychofonetiku.
Dr Rosy Daniel, BSc MBCh
British College of Integrative Medicine podporuje výučbu a výskum integračných terapií v Spojenom kráľovstve av Európe. Psychofonetiku uznávame ako dôležitý nový psychoterapeutický prístup s evidentnými výhodami v medicíne mysle a tela a tešíme sa, že budeme môcť našim študentom predstaviť vaše praktické vyučovanie a filozofické názory. Boli sme ohromení účinnosťou Psychofonetiky pri rýchlom osvetľovaní a riešení tráum uchovaných v tele, duši a duchu a boli sme svedkami výhod dosiahnutých prostredníctvom vašich majstrovských kurzov pre akadémiu a vašej individuálnej práce ako majstra v tejto oblasti ste priekopníkom.
Veríme, že Psychofonetika je dôležitým doplnkom k množstvu modalít, o ktorých sa budú lekári integratívnej medicíny a iní zdravotníci veľmi radi učiť a integrovať ich do svojej vlastnej praxe IM v 21. storočí.
Oceňujeme tiež, že aplikovaná Psychosofia a Psychofonetika ako forma antropozofickej psychoterapie zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu pri rozvoji celostnej integračnej medicíny v Európe, kde máme silné partnerstvá a záujem študentov.
Vítame vás a vašu prácu na našom College, Yehuda a obdivujeme presnosť a hĺbku vašich vedomostí a odhodlanie sprístupniť tento nový prístup klientom, zdravotníckym pracovníkom a akademickým pracovníkom komunity.
Profesor Sylvester Madu
Posledných 15 rokov bol pán Tagar úzko spojený s Persephone College of Philophonetics International, pričom posledné tri roky bol zamestnaný ako riaditeľ a lektor na Persephone College v Južnej Afrike. Bol vysoko oceňovaným prispievateľom na popredných konferenciách akademikov psychológie v tejto krajine, ktorých som sa zúčastnil: Konferencia Juhoafrickej asociácie psychoterapie na Rhodes University v rokoch 2001 a 2003, kde predstavil svoju účinnú metodológiu zotavovania sa zo sexuálneho zneužívania a svoju prácu na tému „ Metafory ako realita pre Telo života“. Na moje pozvanie bol prednášajúcim na konferencii Africkej kapitoly Svetovej rady psychoterapie v Polokwane. Spolu s profesorom Stanom Lifschitzom z Juhoafrickej univerzity a Dr Corinne Oosthuizen z Univerzity v Johannesburgu predstavil účastníkom z univerzít rôznych afrických krajín úspešný workshop o rituáloch liečenia. Pán Tagar publikoval veľmi oceňovanú kapitolu o „Psychofonetike v Južnej Afrike“ v mojej knihe „PRÍSPEVKY K PSYCHOTERAPII V AFRIKE“ (Madu, SN (ed.) (2003). Príspevky k psychoterapii v Afrike (s. 91-118). Polokwane (Pietersburg): UNIN Press.). Toto všetko sú len počiatočné ukazovatele jeho potenciálneho budúceho prínosu pre túto krajinu.
Veľké množstvo publikácií a prezentácií pod menom pána Tagara je svedectvom jeho medzinárodne uznávanej odbornosti a ja bez váhania vyjadrujem svoj názor, že pán Tagar má výnimočné a mimoriadne schopnosti v oblasti osobného rozvoja, výkonného a organizačného koučingu s využitím psychofonetiky.
Veľmi ma zaujala táto metóda. Navyše, nie je viazaná na kultúru. Mám dojem, že má potenciál významne prispieť k liečbe týraného a traumatizovaného človeka nielen v Južnej Afrike, ale aj v celej Afrike.
David Cooper
Svojej profesionálnej praxi dal veľmi potrebný africký rámec a kontext. V posledných rokoch sa stal známym v celej Juhoafrickej republike ako úžasný učiteľ Psychofonetiky a vyškolil viac ako 100 ľudí rôznych jazykov a zázemia, a to aj v chudobných oblastiach, aby sa z nich stali counselori.
Sám som absolvoval tri poradenské sedenia podľa princípov Psychofonetiky. Nielenže spája terapiu s hláskami, gestami a vizualizáciou – jedinečný prístup, ktorý sám vyvinul na medzinárodnej úrovni a priniesol do Afriky – ale cieľom je dokončiť psychologické uzdravenie v niekoľkých sedeniach (na rozdiel od dlhých foriem terapie v tradičnej západnej psychológii). Posledný bod je dôležitý, keďže začína trénovať praktizujúcich v afrických štvrtiach, kde si ľudia zvyčajne nemôžu dovoliť dlhé obdobia predĺženej terapie. Jeho prístup má preto potenciálny obrovský prínos pre bežných ľudí v našej krajine, ktorí vítajú krátku, no intenzívnu liečbu, ktorá im pomôže vyrovnať sa s problémami a traumami každodenného života v situáciách chudoby a stresu. Jeho spôsob terapie s hláskami a gestami navyše dobre zapadá do tradičných afrických liečebných a terapeutických režimov.
Domnievam, že pán Tagar má veľmi vzácne a veľmi potrebné zručnosti, ktoré naša krajina potrebuje pre svoju pedagogickú fakultu, ako aj pre svoje praktiky a výcvik v psychologickej terapii.
Dr Leela Monti
Chcel by som pochváliť pána Tagara ako ľudskú bytosť, psychoterapeuta a trénera psychoterapeutov a odporučiť každému, kto je v pozícii, aby uplatnil a využil svoje výnimočné schopnosti v oblasti duševného zdravia v súčasnosti v Británii z nasledujúcich dôvodov:
Po prvé, štúdium Psychofonetiky bolo obrovskou podporou pre môj vlastný rozvoj ako ľudskej bytosti, ako lekára a psychiatra. Umožnilo mi to udržať si vysokú úroveň osobnej udržateľnosti, semenežmentu a prevencie vyhorenia vo veľmi náročnom pracovnom prostredí pri starostlivosti o ľudí s veľmi náročnými problémami duševného zdravia v komplexnej a náročnej oblasti súdnej psychiatrie v UK.
Po druhé, Psychofonetika poskytuje výcvik v „Metodickej empatii“ – v procese metodickej kultivácie empatickej schopnosti odborníkov v oblasti duševného zdravia (a iných zdravotníckych profesionálov), ktorý zdokonaľuje ich schopnosť vnímať skúsenosti a realitu pacientov z ich vlastného pohľadu. Učenie pána Tagara považujem vo svojej práci psychiatra za najvyššiu hodnotu a jeho školenie by som odporučila všetkým odborníkom v oblasti duševného zdravia v Spojenom kráľovstve. Pán Tagar je podľa mojich vedomostí v súčasnosti jediným učiteľom metodickej empatie v Británii.
Po tretie, silné, sebaposilňujúce a vysoko etické intervenčné nástroje Psychofonetiky, v rukách vyškolených odborníkov, môžu byť obrovskou pomocou pri posilňovaní, zotavovaní a schopnosti ďalšej starostlivosti o seba ľudí s problémami duševného zdravia. na základe veľmi krátkeho obdobia odborného zásahu.
Napokon – a čo je najdôležitejšie pre budúcnosť duševného zdravia v tejto krajine – pán Tagar je pravidelným prispievateľom do postgraduálneho školenia psychiatrov a iných odborníkov v oblasti duševného zdravia v nadácii Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation. Trust (LPFT), prednášajúci o psychoterapii a témach sebamenežmentu pre náš tím starostlivosti o duševné zdravie tu: Metodická empatia, starostlivosť o seba pre ošetrujúcich profesionálov, prevencia vyhorenia pre lekárov a psychofonetický prístup k uzdraveniu z traumy zo sexuálneho zneužívania v minulosti. Jeho prínos vysoko oceňuje náš tím psychiatrov a iných psychiatrov tu praktizujúcich.
Na základe dobrej práce pána Tagara v postgraduálnom vzdelávaní odborníkov v oblasti duševného zdravia v tejto krajine, spolu s ostatnými vyššie uvedenými príspevkami, potvrdzujem, že je jedinečne schopný udržateľne prispievať k službám starostlivosti o duševné zdravie v tejto krajine.
Ian Gillespie
Ako predseda COCHASA a člen jej národnej exekutívy od jej založenia som mal plnú príležitosť sledovať príchod mnohých nových spôsobov liečenia a terapie do Južnej Afriky a ich rozvoj do plne uznávaných profesií. Vo svetle mojich skúseností je môj názor na Psychofonetiku, ktorú vypracoval pán Tagar, taký, že ponúka cenný príspevok k množstvu liečebných modalít dostupných juhoafrickej verejnosti. Pán Tagar je výnimočná osobnosť v každom zmysle slova a vychádzajúc zo svojho rozsiahleho vzdelania a školenia v spoločenských vedách a umení sa Psychofonetika stala oblasťou, ktorá sa neustále rozširuje na medzinárodnej úrovni. Zahŕňa formu poradenstva a terapie zahŕňajúcu používanie zmyslov, gest, zvukov a vizualizácie na podporu emocionálneho liečenia. Zatiaľ čo tieto techniky často používajú psychoterapeuti, duchovné princípy Psychofonetiky (ako ich praktizuje a učí pán Tagar) hlboko rezonujú s tradičnými africkými praktikami obzvlášť účinným spôsobom, ktorý sa podstatne líši od normatívnych západných praktík.
Množstvo publikácií a prezentácií pod menom pána Tagara je svedectvom jeho medzinárodne profesionálne uznávaných odborných znalostí a ja bez váhania vyjadrím svoj názor, že pán Tagar má výnimočné schopnosti v oblasti osobnostného rozvoja, výkonného a organizačného koučingu s využitím Psychofonetiky. Osobne som bol svedkom klinickej práce pána Tagara demonštrovanej na klientoch v Kapskom Meste a zistil som, že ukazuje rýchly a efektívny prínos. Zúčastnil som sa tiež ako súčasť záverečnej skúšky na promócii popredného lekára, ktorý ukončil trojročný odborný kurz Psychofonetiky, ktorý ponúkal pán Tagar. Za najpresvedčivejšie považujem prezentáciu prípadu na komplikovanú psychosomatickú tému a silnú demonštráciu schopností pána Tagara ako vývojára metodológie, učiteľa, školiteľa a supervízora v tejto oblasti.
Využívam túto príležitosť, aby som mu zaželal veľa úspechov v jeho ďalšej činnosti.
Ian Gillespie
predseda COCHASA (Konfederácia asociácií doplnkového zdravia Južnej Afriky)
člen Národného výkonného výboru pre boj proti týraniu starších ľudí;
člen národného výkonného výboru Spoločného fóra pre politiku starnutia; doživotný člen Ekonomickej spoločnosti Južnej Afriky;
doživotný člen psychologickej spoločnosti Južnej Afriky;
Juhoafrická cena za športové zásluhy za koučovanie.
Testimonials about individual consultations
Marianna Gergeľová
Therapeutic meetings with Yehud Tagar for oncological disease were very helpful for me. They helped me to feel health in myself and the supporting forces to restore it, to work with stress, anger, fear and the physical body and to reveal what is behind the illness. They helped me connect more to my resources, life, experience the power of healing sounds and visualization. They were a support for me and provided me with more comprehensive information about the disease and a holistic method of treatment, balancing the lack of a comprehensive approach in Slovakia.
Kateřina Gucfová
Thanks to Yehuda’s excellent ability to connect empathetically with the client, I was able to collect practical instructions from the first meeting, which helped me a lot in my difficult situation to get over the unusual symptoms arising primarily from the side effects of both the chemotherapy itself and, at the same time, the drugs administered as support contraindications to chemotherapy, but which themselves also had an incredible number of side effects. In the next phase of therapy, Yehuda and I focused on the causes of my specific tumor and again, thanks to the exceptional ability of empathy, together we managed to get to the essence = causation, and I was once again given excellent and unique tools to deal with my old established mechanisms so that I the tumor did not recur. I find this a huge help, even though it looks like a simple tutorial, it took me more than half my life to work on and now I’m having a lot of fun because it’s safe for everyone involved. I put my trust in working with Yehuda and she brought me unexpected beautiful gifts in the form of several different tools for practical and simple use in life and they obviously work and help.
Marianna Gergeľová
Kateřina Gucfová
Testimonials about Humanization of the workplace
Ľubomír Starek
Tagar led two trainings in EEA:
1. Humanizing the workplace
During year 2013 Yehuda Attendance of cca 12 directors, managers and leaders of our company (IT development company based in Slovakia).
The workshop was a two day event requested by our company top management. The goal was to open discussions on topics such as personal development, leadership and humanizing the workplace.
Through the workshop we achieved much more. People opened up and freely discussed deep topics such as company leadership, direction and potential. Some in the attendance talked about these issues for the first time and brought new ideas and points to the table. All were naturally willing to look at the company from a new point of view and reassess their own place within the group. Each of us saw the potential of the company through its workers. The directors left the workshop with renewed drive to guide the company and also more than willing to help others to realize their leadership potential. Immediately after the workshop an action group was formed that would drive the changes and make sure worker requests for company development are analyzed and implemented. The idea of humanizing the workplace and making a better company was introduced to all employees soon after.
The decision to hold this workshop proved to be absolutely correct and we all took it as a great success and a restart for our company. We are already planning to have a continuation of this in the coming months.
2. Decision making
The second workshop we’ve held was a one day session about decision making process. We have decided to target our company’s middle management group in order to help us understand the key factors that go into making the correct decisions, analyzing the problems and solving them to achieve win-win solutions. The workshop helped us to achieve this goal and also showed us different techniques to use when agreeing on solutions.
Based on real human and economical profit is our aim to continue with Mr.Tagar also in future.
Ľubomír Starek
1. Humanizácia pracoviska
Účasť cca 12 riaditeľov, manažérov a lídrov našej spoločnosti (IT developerská spoločnosť so sídlom na Slovensku)
Workshop bol dvojdňovým podujatím, ktoré si vyžiadal vrcholový manažment našej spoločnosti. Cieľom bolo otvoriť diskusie na témy ako osobný rozvoj, vodcovstvo a humanizácia pracoviska.
Prostredníctvom workshopu sme dosiahli oveľa viac. Ľudia sa otvorili a voľne diskutovali o hlbokých témach, ako je vedenie spoločnosti, smerovanie a potenciál. Niektorí z prítomných hovorili o týchto problémoch po prvýkrát a priniesli na stôl nové nápady a body. Všetci boli prirodzene ochotní pozrieť sa na spoločnosť z nového uhla pohľadu a prehodnotiť svoje miesto v skupine. Každý z nás videl potenciál spoločnosti prostredníctvom jej pracovníkov. Riaditelia opustili workshop s obnovenou snahou viesť spoločnosť a tiež viac než ochotní pomáhať ostatným realizovať ich vodcovský potenciál. Ihneď po workshope bola vytvorená akčná skupina, ktorá by mala riadiť zmeny a zabezpečiť, aby požiadavky pracovníkov na rozvoj spoločnosti boli analyzované a implementované. Myšlienka humanizácie pracoviska a vytvorenia lepšej spoločnosti bola čoskoro predstavená všetkým zamestnancom.
Rozhodnutie uskutočniť tento workshop sa ukázalo ako absolútne správne a všetci sme to brali ako veľký úspech a reštart našej spoločnosti. Už teraz plánujeme pokračovanie tohto projektu v najbližších mesiacoch.
2. Rozhodovanie
Druhý workshop, ktorý sme zorganizovali, bol jednodňovým stretnutím o rozhodovacom procese. Rozhodli sme sa zacieliť na skupinu stredného manažmentu našej spoločnosti, aby sme nám pomohli pochopiť kľúčové faktory, ktoré vedú k správnym rozhodnutiam, analýze problémov a ich vyriešeniu s cieľom dosiahnuť obojstranne výhodné riešenia. Workshop nám pomohol tento cieľ dosiahnuť a tiež nám ukázal rôzne techniky, ktoré môžeme použiť pri dohode o riešeniach.
Na základe skutočného ľudského a ekonomického zisku je naším cieľom pokračovať s p.Tagarom aj v budúcnosti.
Testimonials about 7 CC for education
J.W. Bester
MR. YAHUDA TAGAR has been known to me for several years. The depth of Mr. Tagar’s wisdom and his Anthroposophical knowledge is astounding. He introduced his philosophy of philophonetics with great success to several of our staff members. He was also of invaluable assistance in the revisioning and goal setting of Michael Mount Waldorf School and work around the integrity of the College of Teachers. Concepts which Mr. Tagar helped bring to fruition some five years ago, are still in place and working well in our School and Market.
Mr. Tagar helped facilitate in various conflict resolution situations at Michael Mount. We will be forever in his debt in this regard and cannot recommend him highly enough.
Mr. Tagar would be an enormous asset to any organization that seeks to use his professional services; particularly I would recommend him to work in the Waldorf Schooling environment.
Should any further information be required, please do not hesitate to contact the writer.
Graham Kennish
I have been an upper (High) school Science teacher, for 45 years and am currently peripatetic, taking Main Lessons blocks in Chemistry and Biology at 6 UK schools as well as mentoring colleagues. For 10 years I held a training Course for science teachers.
I have been trained in Psychophonetics and when I visit schools and training courses, I offer individual sessions and have presented it, with the anthroposophy which lies behind it, to Teachers’ Meetings. I have given over 75 sessions over 4 years now, with over 40 colleagues, students and parents in seven UK schools and received very positive reflections with some immediate and significant changes in teachers’ relationship to their classes, to individual children, to their colleagues and to the parents.
Teachers can use Psychophonetics to better handle difficult situations, whether with a class, with particular children, parents or colleagues, as well as to strengthen their meditative practice. I have seen it to be a real turning point in a teacher’s development as well as an ongoing method of self-support.
A single session stands alone and takes just over an hour, from which the teacher emerges with a practical ‘tool’ that they will have created themselves. A single session will bring a practical outcome for use as daily practice.
Psychophonetics is not only firmly grounded in Anthroposophy, it allows teachers to use, on themselves, the very faculties they are preparing themselves to use every day for the children and in their teaching.
I hope very much that Psychophonetics will become more widely known and used in our schools and I can entirely recommend it.
J.W. Bester
Pán Tagar pomáhal pri riešení rôznych konfliktných situácií v Michael Mount. V tomto smere budeme navždy jeho dlhmi a nemôžeme ho dostatočne odporučiť.
Pán Tagar by bol obrovským prínosom pre každú organizáciu, ktorá sa snaží využiť jeho profesionálne služby; najmä by som mu odporučil pracovať v prostredí waldorfskej školy.
Ak sú potrebné ďalšie informácie, neváhajte kontaktovať autora.
Graham Kennish
Vyštudoval som Psychofonetiku a keď navštevujem školy a školenia, ponúkam individuálne stretnutia a prezentujem to s antropozofiou, ktorá sa za tým skrýva, na stretnutiach učiteľov. V priebehu 4 rokov som absolvoval viac ako 75 stretnutí s viac ako 40 kolegami, študentmi a rodičmi v siedmich školách v Spojenom kráľovstve a získal som veľmi pozitívne ohlasy s niektorými okamžitými a významnými zmenami vo vzťahu učiteľov k triedam, k jednotlivým deťom, ich kolegom a k rodičom.
Učitelia môžu využiť Psychofonetiku na lepšie zvládnutie zložitých situácií, či už v triede, s konkrétnymi deťmi, rodičmi alebo kolegami, ako aj na posilnenie svojej meditačnej praxe. Videl som to ako skutočný zlom vo vývoji učiteľa, ako aj pokračujúcu metódu sebapodpory.
Jedno stretnutie trvá niečo vyše hodiny, z ktorej učiteľ vzíde s praktickým „nástrojom“, ktorý si sám vytvorí a prinesie praktický výsledok na použitie ako každodennú prax.
Psychofonetika nie je len pevne zakotvená v antropozofii, ale umožňuje učiteľom využívať práve tie schopnosti, ktorými sa pripravujú na každodenné používanie pre deti a pri vyučovaní.
Veľmi dúfam, že sa Psychofonetika dostane do širšieho povedomia a používania na našich školách a môžem ju úplne odporučiť.