Foundation of methodical empathy

inner freedom, inner authority, personal boundaries
4 x 2,5-day WEEKEND course

Want to go deeper?

Explore what you always wanted to know about yourself.

Get rid of what no longer serves you inside.

Get whatever you lack internally and need for your shift.

Course program

Main topics

  • Inner child, inner adult
  • Inner freedom
- the possibility of discovering, understanding and overcoming automatic patterns of defense, coping with addiction,
  • The art of conscious relationship
 - the ability to transform relationship challenges into opportunities to deepen, enrich and improve interpersonal relationships of all kinds.
  • Inner Authority
 - empowering and mobilizing your inner leader to become your own spiritual authority, teacher, leader and mentor.
  • Crossing one's own threshold 
- the possibility of confrontation, healing and transformation of one's own shadows into a higher dimension of conscience, wisdom and strength.

Psychophonetic practical processes

  • Coping, overcoming defensive reactions
In addition to external freedom, there is also a struggle for internal freedom. It is the ability to control our moods, behavior and actions to act in accordance with our values ​​and principles. The main obstacle in this internal struggle is the automatic defensive reactions that control us from within. To be truly free, we must overcome these reactions and become masters of our actions.
  • Owning of projections
Psychophonetics combines conversation and action to solve personal problems in the field of projections. Projections are situations where we think our inner problems are coming from outside and give them too much power.
  • Internal boundaries between 2 realities
Taking responsibility for what I do to myself and separating it from the "face" of the other person - this is the hardest part, because we constantly see "the other" as if they are causing our problems. Well, that's exactly what we have to remove. Stepping away from it so we can objectively perceive someone doing something and name it.

The third condition for sustainable human development

In the presence of this condition, one recognizes the invisible dimension of reality as real and oneself as the soul, the inner being. A constant stream of impressions from the outside world fills the space of the soul with a movement that we can overcome only by acknowledging it. By looking at the inner life as a reality, we can take responsibility, stop projecting on others, change it and wake up to ourselves as an observer. The observer of the world of the soul is a conscious person.

The fourth condition for sustainable human development

The fourth condition for sustainable human development is respect and tolerance towards different personal realities. It is the recognition of one's own truth as the basis of respect for the truth of others, which is a new ideal in human evolution. This approach enables harmonious coexistence in a diverse society, where each individual has the right to his own direction and meaning in life. Although we recognize tolerance values ​​in theory, we rarely apply them in practice.

Why Psychophonetics?


Psychophonetics helps you discover your inner self's hidden layers, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of yourself.


We help you develop the ability to express your inner feelings clearly and effectively, which improves communication with others.


You will gain permanent developmental shifts in all areas of your life thanks to inner discoveries and working with them.

Psychophonetics allows you to see your inner experiences vividly, almost as if you are watching them on a screen. This will give you the understanding and opportunity to make a meaningful change in your life.

Testimonials about studying at the School of Empathy

Who are the lecturers?

Yehuda Tagar

Psychotherapist, counsellor, consultant for organisations, and trainer with 40 years of experience in Europe, Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa. He developed the concept of Methodical Empathy and Psychophonetics - a method of personal development, which he teaches at the School of Empathy in Slovakia.

Mirka Tagar

She uses psychophonetics and chirophonetics as a curative educator, lecturer, and consultant for schools, as well as a speech therapist, counsellor, and director of the School of Empathy.

Jana Múdra

She works with clients and groups using Psychophonetics and Methodical Empathy, focusing on family relationships, women's health, and parenting. She is a lecturer and organiser of personal development courses at the School of Empathy.

Organizational info

4 x 2.5-day course (Friday-Sunday)


7 - 9 March 2025
April 4 - 6, 2025
May 2 - 4, 2025
6 - 8 June 2025

Friday 17:00 - 20:30
and Saturday - Sunday 9:00 - 17:30


3 participation options:
Bernolákovo / Košice / Online

Max. 20 participants

Slovak and English language with interpretation.


€ 1110 including VAT
can be paid in installments.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s ideal if you have a computer and a camera, but if you have no other option, it’s possible to do without a camera. However, it’s a greater benefit for you if you can see us and we can see you.

Yes, you will have the online recording available a month after the seminar ends.

The seminar runs in 90-minute blocks with 30-minute breaks in between. There is 1.5 hours for lunch. We start on Friday at 5:00 PM and end on Sunday at 5:00 PM.

Yes, partners are welcome, it’s great if both partners want to work on the relationship. It’s not a requirement, but it’s helpful.

Do you have other questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer them.