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Healing Trauma with Psychophonetics

Seminar online and in-person with Yehuda Tagar




Introducing Psychophonetics as an effective way to heal trauma!

Trauma is an experience that was not digested, and it keeps creating toxicity inside the human system. It is by its nature a psych-somatic reality. A psychology that does not understand the body cannot heal trauma; a medicine that does not understand the soul – cannot either. Trauma is the sickness of experience itself, just between body and soul.

Psychophonetics is a method of psycho-somatic healing, enabling people to observe their subjective experiences with perspective, and to become their own healers.  It views the human soul as a metabolic system for human experiences: experience is ‘soul-food’, and just like it is on the physical level – so it is on the psychological one: food that you eat and digest – nurtures you; food that you eat and do not digest – toxify you. What does it means to digest experience? It means to confront it, to face it with strong boundaries, to take in only what you choose to take in, to give it your own meaning, to learn from it – and to get what you of your system what you do not need, just like we do with physical food.

In light of Psychophonetics trauma is an experience that entered the soul – but has not been digested. It is a foreign element that lives inside you, creating sickness. Time does noy heal trauma. Medications can numb but cannot heal trauma. it Only consciousness can.

A traumatised system cannot heal its own trauma, and no one from outside the system can either. A new power within one’s being must be invoked into reality – a new dimension of one’s ‘I’.

Our approach will be introduced and demonstrated in this seminar. 


The seminar consists of

  • an introduction to the topic
  • a discussion
  • a practical demonstration of Psychophonetics counselling work


Yehuda Tagar, Director of Psychophonetics Institute International and Co-Director of the School of Empathy – is an international coach, consultant, therapist and trainer, founder of Psychophonetics and Methodical Empathy.

Why Psychophonetics

Psychophonetics is a process of waking up to one’s own internal dynamics, empathising with them, understanding them, and creating a new ‘self-order’ inside. It makes it possible to explore, empower and mobilise the deep resources that we bring with us into earthly life.

More info

  • For online: you will receive a zoom link a day before the event.
  • We close the group 30 minute after the beginning of the seminar to ensure the group safety.
  • The seminar is in English translated to Slovak.


  • public 20e paid in advance to our bank account, more info after registration
  • students of School of Empathy free entry

We are looking forward to meeting you!

The event is finished.


Fri, 20. October 2023


18:00 - 21:00


20 €


Office Kosice
Tolsteho 3, Kosice, Slovak republic




  • Yehuda Tagar
    Yehuda Tagar
    Riaditeľ PII a Školy empatie

    Riaditeľ Psychophonetics Institute International a spoluriaditeľ Školy Empatie, medzinárodný kouč, konzultant, terapeut a tréner, zakladateľ Psychofonetiky a Metodickej empatie.