Responsible Decision Making – 7 Steps of Decision-making with Psychophonetics

The seminar is a part of the Foundation Year in Psychophonetics but is open for public as well.

Online ZOOM

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” William Ernest Henley

We become what we do. Decision-making and action on decision is how we shape our lives. Consciously or not – the decision-maker in each one of us is the real architect of our lives. Not to decide – is also a decision; not to act – is also an action. I am the shaper of my destiny.

Every decision effect the future, and a higher, deeper, broader awareness is
required for making a decision that we will not later regret. Over the years
through Psychophonetics work we evolved 7 steps of responsible methodical decision making and 7 ‘gates of will’ required to be open for decision to become action. It can be done well.


The seminar consists of:

  • theoretical introduction
  • discussiom
  • practical demonstration of Psychophonetics


  • How to decide in a responsible way
  • How to include the inteligence of the whole person, not just the intellect
  • How not to regret the decisions in the future


Teacher, coach, counsellor, consultant, founder of Psychophonetics and School of Empathy in Slovakia with 30 years of experience will talk about and demonstrate the responsible decision-making process.

More info

You will receive an email with a Zoom link one day before the event.

The seminar is in English with a traslation into Slovak.


  • public 15 €
  • students of School of Empathy free entry

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The event is finished.


Fri, 25. November 2022


18:00 - 21:00


15 €

Zoom Webinar




The School of Empathy
+421 910 926 450


  • Yehuda Tagar
    Yehuda Tagar
    Riaditeľ PII a Školy empatie

    Riaditeľ Psychophonetics Institute International a spoluriaditeľ Školy Empatie, medzinárodný kouč, konzultant, terapeut a tréner, zakladateľ Psychofonetiky a Metodickej empatie.