„Humanization of the workplace“

consultancy & upgrad training for organizations
the 7 standards of sustainable human development, people management and leadership

"Human development is individual these days. An organisations can only evolve if its individuls workers evolve on all levels. Only then can the organisation be fully human"

The program “Humanization of the workplace” has evolved over the past 25 years in Australia, South Africa, UK and Central Europe as a combination of personal, relationship and professional development, using Psychophonetics methodology. This training program is designed to improve the management of organizations and serves to create sustainable intern continuous upgrade of the workers, teams and organization as a whole.

  • Increases work performance of workers and managers
  • Enables greater job satisfaction
  • Deepens workers commitment
  • Provides effective tools for  improving self-manangement, communicational skills and personal sustainability, both at work and at home
  • Helps workers to develop  the best possible versions of themselves

Most of us spend major part of our days and the best years of our lives at work. If we perceive work only as a way to make a living – we miss its main potential, which is the possibility of personal, social and professional development.

WHAT we have to do at work may not be entirely a free choice, but HOW we do it and what we are going through while doing our work – that is potentially a free choice for each of us. How much of our potential for personal, social, spiritual and creative development we show in our work is not defined in the job description. It is our individual choice that requires our initiative and skills.

If only we knew how  to do it: how to transform work, any work – into an opportunity for personal development.

We at Psychophonetics Institute in International and at 7CC (our organisational consultancy branch) consider the workplace to be fully human only if the deep development potential of the people who work in it is mobilized and is being given a chance to unfold through work.

As our “inner career” develops alongside our “outer career,” our work becomes fully humanized.

Our training program for organizational development ‘people Skils‘:  “Humanization of the workplace” is designed for all sectors of work. Its basic principles and standards of sustainable prsonal development are both universal and unique, as human beings themselves are. Each of its seven components serves both the interests of the personal and professional development of the individual as well as the development of the organization itself as a whole.

We bring companies, communities, schools and other organizations comprehensive coaching, counseling and professional training in the workplace within the program

“Humanization of the workplace”.

The seven standards represent one unit – a comprehensive program of on-going professional development of managers and employees.

The program lasts 7 training days + introductory evening (or morning) seminar before the start of the program, and a concluding feedback session. The seven-day program can be divided into two parts or more.

While the 7 standards form a greater whole – each individual component of the 7 standards can also be presented separately, as:

  • Individual coaching session
  • Seminar on sustainable development of the organization for a team.

At the same time, we provide the possibility of an introductory presentation (approx. 1.5 hours) to the company’s management as part of the entire program or as a of each of the 7 standards.

The following are the 7 main parts of the “Humanising the Workplace” program – 7 standards of sustainable human development and leadership in the workplace.

Each of the 7 standards represents one of the main leadership, sustainability and developmental skills that the Psychophonetics Foundation and its 7CC (7 Conditions Consultancy) bring to managers and leaders in progressive, ever-evolving companies and organizations.

7 main components of the program
„Humanization of the workplace“

7 standards of sustainable human development and leadership in the workplace

Increasing the awareness and abilities of workers to take personal and collective responsibility for their own health at the workplace.

  • The level of well-being and health of workers in the workplace determines their level of energy, presence, engagement and productivity.
  • The aim of this seminar is to increase the awareness of managers and their workers about their own health, about the state of their own well-being, well-being at work – at all levels.
  • Increasing the ability to realize the parameters that can individually and collectively be improved or reduced


Content includes:

  • Understanding stress
  • Coping with stress
  • Feedback from your own body
  • “Protecting home from work and work from home”
  • Identification and minimization of stress factors
  • Restoring well-being.


Length of training:

  1. Presentation in front of the group: 1.5 hours.
  2. Skill training for the team: one day.
  3. Coaching session for individuals: 3-6 individual training / coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours.

Increasing awareness and skills of empathic listening and responding to the other’s reality from the other’s point of view.

  • The feeling that a person feels understood has a positive effect on the entire human organism, both physiologically and psychologically, which in turn significantly affects the quality of cooperation.
  • However, the ability of people to give understanding to others varies greatly from person to person.
  • Everyone can improve their ability to listen to another person’s reality – what they are actually trying to communicate. We call it “Methodical Empathy” and it can be learned! It is an aspect of self-awareness, because understanding oneself is a prerequisite for understanding others.


Content includes:

  • Awareness of the consequences of interpersonal understanding and misunderstanding.
  • The possibility of consciously improving your listening skills.
  • Awareness of barriers to effective listening: Reactions and projections.
  • Self-knowledge as a preparation for realizing the reality of others.
  • Methodical listening.
  • Listening to human reality beyond spoken words.
  • The process of creating accurate images of other people’s reality.
  • Translate understanding to confirm understanding.


Length of training:

  1. Presentation in front of the group: 1.5 hours.
  2. Skill training for the team: one day.
  3. Coaching session for individuals: 3-6 individual coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours.

Become aware of the inner dynamics of feelings, emotions, reactions, projections, automatic defenses, personal conflicts – as well as the voice of wisdom, own values and personality.

  • to be able to identify them and choose which part one wants to act on
  • to develop the ability to protect one’s inner life from others and to protect others from the dynamics of one’s own inner life.
  • Self-management skills are essential to being able to operate from the level of our stronger, clearer, and wiser aspects of ourselves. But in ourselves we can only manage what we can observe.
  • This seminar is training in practical self-observation, taking personal responsibility for one’s personality, as well as training in the freedom to choose the most relevant aspect of oneself in order to take the lead in specific moments, meetings and actions.


Content includes:

  • self-observation skills
  • The ability to take the value of internal dynamics as realistically as external dynamics.
  • Overcoming reactions – mastering defense mechanisms.
  • Dis-identification – the ability to catch myself when I identify with repetitive patterns and step out of them.
  • Acknowledging the projections – realizing when I’m making people into something they’re not – and getting over it.
  • Discovering, approaching and mobilizing the inner voice of one’s own wisdom – the better self.


Length of training:

  1. Presentation in front of the group: 1.5 hours.
  2. Skill training for the team: one day.
  3. Coaching session for individuals: 3-6 individual coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours.

Develop understanding, respect and tolerance for other people’s opinions in addition to their own and to find boundaries between them.

  • Reality is created by individuals and individuals will always create it differently.
  • This standard means developing respect for all the facts and opinions of the individuals involved.
  • We are not equally entitled to make decisions, but we can all be entitled to form our own opinion and express it freely. This prepares the decision-making process at a higher level.


Content includes:

  • Commitment to respect and find a balance between different individual realities in the group
  • Recognize and respect your own reality and opinion.
  • Recognize and respect the reality and opinions of other people.
  • Negotiating boundaries and meeting points between different facts and opinions in a group.
  • Delegating decision-making to persons or groups who are authorized to do so.


Length of training:

  1. Presentation in front of the group: 1.5 hours.
  2. Skill training for the team: one day.
  3. Coaching session for individuals: 3-6 individual coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours.

Ability to create a responsible decision-making process & ability to identify and overcome obstacles that prevent good decisions

  • All the decisions we made today will be implemented in the future and affect reality, and no one knows everything about the future. It takes special foresight and wisdom to make a responsible decision. At the very least, it requires including all available up-to-date information and taking into account everything and everyone affected by the decision.


Content includes:

  • Logical steps of methodical decision-making
  • Identifying the appropriate level of authority – mandate – required for each type of decision.
  • Creating and determining the decision-making process in advance.
  • Creating alternative options.
  • Application of the selected process.
  • Proceedings, actions
  • Review of arrangements
  • Identification of obstacles to action
  • Effective solution to obstacles.


Length of training:

  1. Presentation in front of the group: 1.5 hours.
  2. Skill training for the team: one day.
  3. Coaching session for individuals: 3-6 individual coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours.

Conscious cultivation of a culture of gratitude and appreciation of people in the team and cooperation.

  • Continuous transformation of a negative unsupportive team atmosphere into a positive, constructive, mutually supportive culture and atmosphere for the team, workplace and community


Content includes:

  • The importance of gratitude and appreciation of workers – for human development
  • The impact of the award on the recipient of the award
  • The effect of the award on the grantor of the award
  • Identifying the negative impact of the opposite of appreciation and what it creates.
  • Practical Practices for Cultivating Gratitude and Appreciating People.
  • Practical procedures for transforming negative interactions into respectful and valuable interactions.


Length of training:

  1. Presentation in front of the group: 1.5 hours.
  2. Skill training for the team: one day.
  3. Coaching session for individuals: 3-6 individual coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours.

Increase understanding of the importance of consistency in leadership and management and commitment to support it in policy making and maintaining fairness, code of practice and code of ethics, contracts and procedures.

  • A commitment to promote and cultivate compliance with all the above 6 standards as the basis of cohesive character, reliability and safety for the organization, workers and the surrounding environment


Content includes:

  • Understanding the value of consistency.
  • Understanding consistency issues
  • Understanding the process required to update consistency individually and collectively.


Length of training:

  1. Presentation in front of the group: 1.5 hours.
  2. Skill training for the team: one day.
  3. Coaching session for individuals: 3-6 individual coaching sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours

The above 7 standards are as important for personal behavior as they are for personal and professional life. At the same time, they represent standards, by adopting which any organization, company, or community can grow, change, and develop its potential.

Organizational info

Translation is provided if needed

Duration and price

  • Individual training/coaching | 1 hour + 30 min | 200 € + VAT
  • Group presentation | 2 – 3 hours | 500 € + VAT
  • Training for 10 people with 1 trainer | 1 day | 1750 € + VAT
  • Training for 15+ people with 1 – 2 assistants | 1 day | 2400 € + VAT

We can adjust the prices to the conditions of your organization by mutual agreement.


We will confirm the date of the session by return e-mail.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.