There is a deep longing in creation for unifying through the separation of earthly existence. No sooner has a new baby been born out of the body of his mother he/she longs with to reunite with her through her breast and her milk. That urge to reunite with the body of the mother will not fade for many years. It will later be transformed into another urge for uniting with another human body: sexual intimacy.
This is a message of hope for the New Year: human traumas can be healed from the inside of the soul, by oneself, and the healing process itself can become a new step in one’s personal and spiritual development, strength, resilience and maturity.
Sex has been with us since ancient times, and love in its various forms has always been a basic human value. But intimacy is new. Although it is such a fundamental component of today's interpersonal relationships, so important in creating families, so highly valued as an important source of personal happiness, intimacy remains a mystery.Most people perceive that intimacy is either a part of a partner relationship if you are one of the luckier ones, or if you are not, you are simply out of luck. Relationships, sex life, marriage and love can survive to a certain level without intimacy, but the soul, heart and their energy cannot.
We are born with serious intentions for this life, of that I am sure. Two major impulses drive us human being throughout our life: one is the instinct and the desire to survive, like any other earthly animal; the other is the drive, the wish, the inner necessity to remember-discover the purpose of being born, the meaning, the task, the unique human potential that each of us comes to this life to fulfil.
Work is where most of us spend most of our lives. We give our work our most precious time on Earth: the best years of our lives, the best part of most of our days, most of our energy, creativity, vitality, mental and emotional space. Most people know their work colleagues and spend more quality time with them than with their own family at home.
An essential communion between human consciousness and the reality of the world was once the fundamental human situation. Young children display for us that essential connection, if we are clear enough to see it, until their self-consciousness starts to separate them from the world and from themselves. The same happens in human evolution as a whole
Stress is normal. It is our basic equipment for survival in alarming situations. The whole body goes into an emergency position to face perceived danger. But when being in that state of alarm consistently and permanently – the stress mechanism starts to destroy the very organism it designed to protect. And then stress becomes a destroyer, the major contributor to chronic diseases, organ destruction and premature death. And, unfortunately, that is also normal.
Women are taking up their equal position in society world-wide with unstoppable momentum. It has been a long road just to recognise their equal right to vote: 1881 Isle of Man, 1893 New Zealand, 1917 Canada, 1918 Britain and Germany, 1920 in the USA. It has been a long road since the Women Liberation Movement of the 60’s to the relative improved conditions for women’s economic and political equality of today, and there is still a long way to go for realising true equality between the sexes.
Of all the forms of counselling my favourite one is couple and relationship counselling. In all other forms of counselling, personal development and psychotherapy, working one on one or in a made-up group – the clients still have to go home and integrate whatever was achieved in the session – into their normal relationship at home. But when you have both parts of a living relationship together in one process, if the process has any effect at all – whatever is achieved there is already integrated between them, because they achieve it together. Something is already done, a social form, however small, has upgraded itself. They take it home with them. The relationship itself has been upgraded.
Does evolution continue? In nature it would take millions of years to verify, but in regards to human consciousness and civilizations that express it – evolution never had stopped. It can be verified within centuries and decades, practically during the lifetime of individuals, as social, personal, scientific, technological, cultural, political and economical conditions keep changing in front of our eyes.